
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Word of Trans

For a Transgender it is very hard to hide his or her feelings. They fight with them self everyday its a nightmare to be in the body of someone else which dose not belong to you or lets just say that it is being like a slave of someone and we have to do as we are asked to do nobody cares about what a transgender feels. The most disgusting thing is that nobody cares about trans people everybody only cares about M/F but there is no trans loving people the only one who loves trans are trans themselves. We also wants to be loved, we also want a family so what if we can't give you a baby adoption is one of the solution at least like these we can help orphan child by giving them love of a father and mother.


Every transwomen wants to wake as girl one day but its only a dream for this you have to push yourself forward and than only you can live your dream.... Love you all....